Analysis of Amazon’s cake board popular bakery packaging

There are hundreds of millions of products in more than 30 categories on the US Amazon marketplace.

While these numbers seem incredible, what's even more incredible is that the vast majority of items on Amazon (that have completed one or more sales) receive a special ranking called the Best Sellers Rank (BSR) .

But what is the best seller ranking? What does this mean for your Amazon FBA business? In this article, we take a deep dive into what BSR actually is and how its capabilities can benefit your business.

For the bakery industry, how to analyze the best-selling products?

As a new baker, they want to know how to do market research in this industry category, and analyze and change the products that can be made in this category. The first step is to choose the category, and the selection of the product is to choose the investment project.

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Consider the following tips to help you make a better choice

First rely on the platform to do a good job of category analysis and determine the direction of the category.

For example, from the second-level category to the third-level category of the furniture category, corresponding to the products of interest, organize each product into a table, and then search for its Google trend. According to the trend, plan the R&D, promotion, and testing of the product in advance.

This is the correct way, instead of just trying to match the seller's preferences. This is about the analysis of the product. The first batch of two or three hundred goods in the early stage is used to test a market. Response, this is the first week of practice.

Second, a good article is a good recommender.

Sellers should take pictures, write copywriting, and upload products.

The transactions in the market are all concluded through the copywriting of the product. Therefore, some people often say that e-commerce is not selling goods, but selling pictures, so pictures are very important.

At present, many sellers' pictures are outsourced to specialized photo agencies, which is simple and convenient, and there is no need to raise a team of photo retouchers. A good picture can quickly increase the conversion rate. Secondly, the copywriting is written by specialized personnel.

For example, the English of foreigners is relatively systematic and standardized, and finally these detailed tasks are done to the extreme. And the so-called refined management is actually doing details, making every detail better than others, and the sales will naturally be better than others.

Three, remove the customer's transaction concerns.

Put yourself in another position and regard yourself as a buyer. If you want to buy this product, what questions will the buyer have? Why did he choose the products of the platform? At this time, what aspects should the seller solve the customer's questions?

The first one is to evaluate from the review. On the one hand, it is the requirement of quantity, on the other hand, it is the requirement of star rating. It is best to reach 4.5 stars or above, and the content of the evaluation can answer most of the questions of customers.

The second is in Q&A, where sellers can solve customer concerns in the form of questions and answers. When commenting, Q&A has accumulated more than 50 before advertising, if there is no comment, advertising is a kind of behavior that burns money, and it is not worth burning.

Four. Mass drainage, increase conversion rate

When you have laid the cornerstone, you can build high-rise buildings. Amazon seller Sally said that when the foundations of pictures, copywriting, evaluation, and Q&A are complete, sellers can "build buildings" to create a sense of presence and attract a lot of traffic. , increasing conversion rates.

On the one hand, open PPC, including automatic advertising and manual advertising. When launching new products, automatic advertising should be willing to invest. Because what automatic advertising does is related traffic, and related traffic is one of the three major traffic of the platform. For some homogeneous products, in the process of keyword search, the traffic and transaction rate of the jump out are relatively high.

Fifth, quality feedback to improve products.

When the seller receives customer feedback one after another. Including reasons for return, bad reviews and other product quality problems, it is necessary to improve the product.

No product is perfect. Only after selling for a period of time and after market feedback, is it real. No matter how much work is done in the early stage, there is no way to 100% avoid product problems. If there are quality problems, there are only two ways. Either continue to improve it, or end its life.

Sixth, increase efforts inside and outside the station.

After a round of market inspections and evaluations, orders have been filled and quality problems have also been improved. At this time, both inside and outside the station should increase their efforts to offset sales and then consolidate them.

Seven, insist on doing the right thing.

The track is paved in the early stage, and the later stage is a fast track for sales. Usually sellers often say that the cycle of pushing a popular product is 60 days to 90 days, and that of experienced sellers is 60 days. If each stage is not well controlled, the entire cycle will be lengthened.

For new bakers, our company has more experience in cultivating Amazon sellers, because within 10 years, our products are sold to the United States, Europe, and some of them are the vane of this industry, such as our most popular cake Drums, they use the same product to add different accessories, or change the way of packaging differently, are just very popular and sell very well on the Amazon marketplace. For example, the most popular ones are 10-inch and 12-inch cake drums. Compared with black, gold and silver, white ones are more popular.

Dear newbies, you must not miss the bonus period in this market, choose multiple packaging methods, such as a pack of 3, a pack of 5 and a pack of 10, and a pack of 12, and there are more cost-effective ways , that is, 8 inches, 10 inches, and 12 inches each shrink together. Most retail or self-use customers like it very much.

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Post time: Dec-12-2022